Function of locating the north and the south wind direction meridian line by using compass and plane mirror 采用罗盘和平面镜对风向南北线定位的作用
This is certainly true for a plane mirror but it is only approximately the case for other configurations. 对于平面镜这肯定是对的,但是对于其它形状的反射镜则情况只是近似如此。
A reflected optical image ( as seen in a plane mirror). 反射形成的光学的像,如在平面镜中看到的像。
The image here is spoken of as virtual just as is the familiar image generated by a plane mirror. 这时的象叫做虚象,正如由平面镜所生成的熟知的象一样。
The cooperative object for laser system is a plane mirror placed at a remote position. The light pulse of light source transmitting and signal sampling are controlled by a microcomputer system. 激光系统的合作目标为远处一平面镜,光源发射光脉冲和信号采集由微机系统控制。
The Application of Continuous Polishing Technology to Manufacturing of a Large Size Special Shaped Lightweight Silicon Plane Mirror 平面连续抛光技术在大尺寸异型石英轻质镜制造中的应用
His paper introduces the procedure of digital-control fine machining of the frame for plane mirror. 文中详细介绍了平面反射镜框的结构特点和材料的机械加工特性以及在数控编程和精加工中采取的工艺措施和方法。
The image and material object of plane mirror are simultaneously photographed on negative. 把平面镜的映像和实物同时拍摄成底片。
A Discussion on the Problem of Formation of Image for Plane Mirror 关于平面镜成像问题的讨论
The gathering light performance of plane mirror, coupling method of light pipe and light permeance rate in different incidence angle of light ray, length and diameter of light pipe was studied. 考察了该系统的平面反光镜聚光特性,导光管的耦合方法及导光管透光率随光线入射角、导光管长度和导光管直径的关系。
Compared with Star Test, Hartmann and Interferometer etc, the testing method of this project needs no work reference benchmark given by beaconing or standard large plane mirror, and its principle is novelty. 该方案的检测方法与经典的星点法、哈特曼法等以及干涉法相比较,原理新颖,也不需任何外部信标或标准大平面反射镜提供工作参考基准。
The calculation results show that the average single-pass loss of the TEM_ ( 03), TEM_ ( 30) and lower order modes is less than 1%, if the misalignment angle of the plane mirror ( or the concave mirror) is less than 10 ″. 计算结果表明,平面镜或凹面镜倾斜角度在10〃以内,TEM30和TEM03及以下的低阶模式的平均单程损耗小于1%。
The high accuracy is obtained by a zero Abbe offset arrangement with three plane mirror miniature interferometers, a surface-sensing probe and two angular sensors. 系统的高精度是通过3个微型激光干涉仪的零阿贝误差设置,一个表面传感AFM测头以及两个角度传感器实现。
Resonators with one plane mirror; 输出镜为平面镜;
This paper studies, by means of analysis, comparison and induction, the systematic differentials caused by the mal-position of reflective plane mirror and vertical ruler in light-lever magnifying system. An approach to correct positioning is further proposed. 对光杠杆放大系统中平面反射镜、望远镜和竖尺的相对位置不正而引起系统误差进行了分析、比较、归纳,并得出结论,提出正确放置的方法。
A Discussion on the Formation of Image for Two Angular Plane Mirror 互成角度的两平面镜成像问题的讨论
Their functions can substitute for some uses of large diameter plane mirror, 0.2 ″ light pipe, major diameter light pipe, arch type detector, T type detector and so on. 本文所介绍的平行度检测仪可以取代大口径平面镜,0.2秒平行光管、大口径平行光管、拱形检测架、T型检测架等大型检测仪器的某些使用功能。
Thermal analysis of polishing optical plane mirror 大尺寸光学平面镜抛光过程的热分析
The experimental apparatus system is made up of phase locking system and measuring system. A fast-axis collimating lens and a high reflectivity plane mirror compose the external cavity which is the main part in experiment. 实验装置主要分为锁相系统和测量系统两部分,作为主体部分的外腔是由一个快轴准直透镜和一面高反射率平面镜组成。
Adopting spherical mirror and plane mirror can notablely improve the utilization of the light source in the system of light source. 在光源系统中采用球面聚光镜和平面反射镜,可大幅提高光源的利用率。
According to the first-order wave aberration theory, the permissible tolerances of the plane mirror in the autocollimating test have been derived. 根据初级波面像差理论,推导了自准检测法中平面反射镜的误差允许值。
One end is a plane mirror, the other is a metal mesh. 谐振腔一端为平面反射镜,一端为金属栅网。
In the same time, the glass thickness measurement techniques based on the principle of a plane mirror imaging present in this paper further to overcome the glass surface defect spots on the measurement results. 同时,本文提出的基于平面镜成像原理的玻璃厚度测量技术进一步克服了玻璃表面疵斑对测量结果的影响。
The experimental equipments and laboratory instruments of plasma television, plane mirror interferometer, semiconductor laser, level instrument and horizontal moving guide rail are selected. 选择了等离子电视机、分光镜、半导体激光器、水平仪以及水平移动导轨等实验设备和仪器。
Therefore, we propose the use of an angled plane mirror for calibration, thus achieving 3D reconstruction. 因此,我们提出利用成角度平面镜进行标定,进而实现三维重建的方法。
With long focal length and large field projection optical system for collimating lens as a benchmark, the system generates optical axis, and then sequentially steers the plane mirror, prism, and star target alignment. 以长焦距大视场投影光学系统为基准,通过激光器建立系统光轴,再依次对转向平面反射镜、分光棱镜、星图靶标进行装调。
The results of Gaussian beam, spherical wave and plane wave incident on plane mirror and retroreflector are discussed respectively. 给出了高斯波束、球面波,平面波入射到平面镜和后向反射器上,反射波的数值计算结果。
Thus, optical field distribution on the plane mirror in plano-concave resonator and field loss of each transverse mode could be acquired by solving the eigenvalue and eigenvector of the transit matrix. 通过求解传输矩阵的本征值和本征矢量,得出平凹腔中平面输出镜上光场分布以及每个横模的衍射损耗。